1) If you’ve subscribed to FreeScout News by email before, please re-subscribe here as we are switching to another newsletter service (Follow.it).
2) The community ChatGPT Module has been forked, updated and is actively maintained now: https://github.com/presswizards/FreeScoutGPT
3) WhatsApp now allows to integrate via Meta Cloud API, so currently there is a request for developing a community WhatsApp module utilizing Meta Cloud API: https://github.com/freescout-help-desk/freescout/issues/4475
4) Custom modules now can be updated via FreeScout web interface – just add the following lines to module’s “module.json” (read more here):
"latestVersionUrl": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/presswizards/FreeScoutGPT/refs/heads/main/module.json",
"latestVersionZipUrl": "https://github.com/presswizards/FreeScoutGPT/archive/refs/heads/main.zip"
5) During this year FreeScout will be made compatible with PHP 8.4. First main steps have already been made, so you can start switching to PHP 8.4, testing and reporting issues. Also community modules will also need to be made compatible with PHP 8.4