Custom Fields Module

Custom Fields is a powerful tool helping to store additional information on conversations, organize and prioritize conversations (this module does not provide custom fields for customers).

There are five supported field types:

  • Dropdown: Classic dropdown list with an option to select one choice.
  • Multiselect Dropdown: Dropdown list with an option to select multiple choices.
  • Single line: A traditional textfield.
  • Single line tags: A textfield allowing to select multiple items.
  • Multi line: A larger text area for longer text.
  • Number: A field allowing to enter only numbers.
  • Date: Date in YYYY-mm-dd format.

Only Administrators can add or edit custom fields.

Required fields have to be filled in before sending a reply, adding a note or closing the conversation.

If conversation is moved to another mailbox, custom fields data is not preserved.

When merging two conversations custom fields are also merged – empty custom fields in the original conversation are replaced with values from the second.

Search results can be filtered by custom fields.


Custom fields are not visible to customers in the End-User Portal. They are for support agents only.


When deleting an option from Dropdown field, make sure to click “Save Field” button to apply deletion.

Lifetime license for one FreeScout instance
  • Version: 1.0.38
  • Required App Version: 1.8.117
  • License Period: Lifetime
  • Open Source: AGPL-3.0