Dark Mode Module

This module allows to enable dark theme in FreeScout using dark mode switcher in the main menu.

If your browser or device has “prefers-color-scheme” option set to “dark” and you have not touched the Dark Mode toggle button yet, the dark mode will be enabled automatically. After you enable / disable the dark mode in FreeScout your browser’s / device’s “prefers-color-scheme” option will be ignored.


Dark Mode module does not apply to End-User Portal or Knowledge Base.


If you had a third-party Dark Mode Module installed you need to deactivate it, delete “/Modules/Darkmode” folder and “public_html/public/modules/darkmode” file.

If you are facing an error when installing the official module, try to delete the “public_html/public/modules/darkmode” file and “/Modules/DarkMode” folder and re-activate the module.

Lifetime license for one FreeScout instance
  • Version: 1.0.17
  • Required App Version: 1.8.24
  • License Period: Lifetime
  • Open Source: AGPL-3.0