SMS Notifications Module
This module allows your support agents to receive SMS notifications via Twilio or MessageBird.
Example of the notification SMS:
“John Doe added a note to conversation #1141 (Pre-sale question)”
If some user has an incorrect phone number in his/her profile the user will be shown a warning message:
If you are planning to use Twilio, before purchasing this module it’s highly recommended to register in Twilio first and make sure that you can get in your country a phone number that supports SMS.
1. Create a Twilio account here.
2. Buy a phone number which is capable of sending SMS (and MMS if you need to send/receive media files). In some countries Twilio does not provide phone numbers at all and in some countries Twilio does not support SMS.
3. Enter purchased phone number into Twilio Phone Number field in module’s settings.
4. On https://console.twilio.com in the Account Info section find Account SID and Auth Token and copy into corresponding fields on module’s settings page.
On this page you can track outgoing SMS messages in Twilio.
Here is the pricing: https://messagebird.com/en/pricing/sms-voice (see “SMS”)
1) Create an account in MessageBird service
2) Get an API Key on this page (Live API Key) and enter into “API Key” field in SMS Notifications settings in FreeScout.
3) By default SMS messages are sent from a random shared MessageBird number. If you want you can buy your own number here and enter it into “Sender Phone Number” field in FreeScout.
On this page you can track outgoing SMS messages in MessageBird.
If you are experiencing some SMS delivery issues please contact MessageBird support: [email protected]